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 hyena?'s mother, Buchi  

Hyenas are the animals of the family Hyaenidae. There are only four species (i.e., spotted hyena, brown hyena, striped hyena and aardwolf). Hyenas are often found in sub-Saharan Africa. Aardwolves are the small insectivorous animals. However, other hyenas have very hardy jaws, and they can crunch even hard bones which a lion did not eat. Especially, spotted hyenas are large vicious attack animals. For example, striped hyenas are called the scavenger of savanna as they often scavenge leftovers of a lion. On the other hands, spotted hyenas hunt by themselves the animals such as zebras and gnus. However, a lion sometimes grabs the hunted preies away from hyenas. Spotted hyenas have blackish spots in their brownish yellow bodies, and they often cry strangely as if humans laugh. It is generally recognized that hyenas are savage and dangerous animals, and that they are disliked and unpopular animals.

Hyena(?)'s mother, "Buchi"

To tell the truth, hyena's mother, "Buchi" appeared in the picture book and this website is not a hyena. She is unilaterally called the hyena because she is somehow similar in appearance to a hyena, especially, spotted hyena. However, Buchi is not good at hunting the animals. Buchi is not able to crunch the bones as they are too hard. Of course, Buchi is weak in a lion. Although Buchi sometimes cries strangely, it is true that Buchi is not a hyena. 
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