
mari & marido

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picture bookhyena's family    are hungry!charactersmari & maridolicense
picture book hyena 
©mari&marido. 2009-2014 All rights reserved.  
   Any and all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in relation to works including characters (e.g., hyena? and other animals in a picture book) belong to mari marido.  Therefore, it is prohibited from using such characters, etc., without obtaining a license from mari marido. Where you wish to obtain from mari marido a license to use such characters, etc., for a product, merchandise, book, publication, or other designs, please contact mari & marido. *Click Here* Thank you.


  Top Page     hyena's family are hungry!    other works   mari marido   
  Top page of the website of the picture book, hyena's family are hungry   General information on the picture book, hyena's family are hungry Information on other works which are created by mari marido   Information on the author of the picture book, hyena's family are hungry  
  Information on the characters such as hyena(?)'s mother and children, and other illustrations/designs appeared in the picture book, hyena's family are hungry  
  Description of African clouds Description of African stars Description of African birds Description of African zebras  
  Moving image of African clouds Illustration of African stars Moving image of African birds Illustration of African zebras  
  Description of African butterflies Description of hyena(?)'s mother, Buchi Description of hyena(?)'s children Description of African trees No.1  
  Illustration of African butterflies Illustration of hyena(?)'s mother, Buchi Illustration of hyena(?)'s children Illustration of African trees No.1  
  Description of African impalas Description of African trees No.2 Description of African Gnus Description of African lions  
  Illustration of African impalas Illustration of African trees No.2 Illustration of African Gnus Illustration of African lions  
  Description of African hedgehogs Description of African trees No.3 Description of African flowers  
  Illustration of African hedgehog Illustration of African trees No.3 Illustration of African flowers    
   license      contact     日本語       
  Information on the license to use characters, designs, etc., appeared in the picture book, hyena's family are hungry   Contact information on mari marido regarding the picture book, hyena's family are hungry Japanese version of the website of the picture book of hyena's family are hungry created by mari marido