
mari marido

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Where you wish to use any characters and/or other designs, etc., shown in this website, or where you wish to commercialize a product in relation thereto (including but not limited to character goods, promotion products, publications, and moving images), please contact "mari & marido". "mari & marido" may grant you a necessary license for worldwide including Japan. The license agreement in Japanese or English would be available.  
  Ownership of copyrights, etc.
  Any and all ownership of copyrights and other intellectual properties in relation to characters and designs, etc. ("Works"), which are shown in this website, belongs to "mari & marido". Thus, use of all or part of the Works or any derivative works created based on the Works without obtaining any license from "mari & marido" constitutes an infringement of copyrights, etc., thereof.

©mari&marido. 2009-2014 All rights reserved.  
Any and all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in relation to works including characters belong to mari&marido and/or its licensor.  Therefore, it is prohibited from using them without their prior written approval.  Where you wish to use them, please contact the following email address. *Click Here* Thank you.