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Gnus are herbivorous animals which belong to bovidae. Gnus live in groups in grasslands and forests. Gnus' herds often contain zebras. Gnus weigh approximately 200 to 250 kg. Gnus are well known as the preies of lions and hyenas. Gnus have a good sense of smell and they are able to sense the smell which is far away from them. In May or June, there will be a great migration of hundreds of thousands of gnus together with zebras and gazelles.

Life of gnus

Gnus are always moving in large groups all day, and live on grasses. Gnus also say that "hyena(?)'s three children are hyenas". This is because zebras and giraffes say so. To tell the truth, gnus think that they might not be hyenas. However, gnus never try to give their opinion. Gnus always just say "nu.. nu.. nu..".
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