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Porcupines are herbivorous animals which belong to hystricidae. They have a coat of sharp spines which are modified hairs. In the daytime, they hide behind the rock shadow or in a den dug into the ground. They live on a diet of fruits, leaves, grasses, grains, etc. However, their modified hairs of spines are sharp and strong enough to protect them from the carnivorous animals such as lions and hyenas. Their spines aggressively attack a predator rather than protecting them from the predator. They make a dart backward at the predator, bristling their spines. The predators such as a lion and hyena will have a very serious problem if they are attacked by their spines.


It is recommended not to hunt a porcupine as their sharp spines suddenly attack a hunter. Never touch them! Also, it is not recommended to put the mouse pointer over them (especially, their image at the bottom-left corner in this page), let alone click them. 
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