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Impalas are the herbivorous animals which belong to bovidae.They live together in groups in savannas and deciduous forests. Where lions or hyenas attack impalas, impalas jump up and down to escape from them. Impalas are able to jump up to a height of approximately three meters and to reach a distance of approximately 10 meters, and they are able to run away at 60 kilometers per hour from the carnivorous animals. Moreover, where sentries of a herd of impalas find any risks, they immediately warn all of their herd of danger; and they run away from danger all at once. Thus, they are not easy targets for the carnivorous animals.

Life of impalas

Impalas are able to jump up and down. Even so, their lives must not be easy as the carnivorous animals often try to attack them. The sentries of a herd of impalas always keep watch on hyena(?)'s three children. If hyena(?)'s children try to get close to them even just a little, the herd consisting of hundreds of impalas run away all at once. Impalas always say that "since zebras say so, it is no doubt at all that those three children are vicious hyenas". 
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