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Lions are carnivorous animals which belong to felidae. Some of male lions exceed 250 kg in weight. In the wild, male lions live approximately 10 years or less as they are territorial animals, and they often fight over territories with rival male lions and get injured. Lions are a top of the carnivorous animals, and the king of beasts. Lions are able to run at approximately 60 kilometers per hour to hunt large mammalians. Loins also eat small mammalians, birds, reptiles, insects, etc. Lions sometimes grab the hunted animals away from hyenas.

Life of lions

Lions spend a relaxing time approximately 20 hours per day under the shade of a tree. Generally, female lions go hunting. However, it is not true that male lions live an easy life. Male lions always face a risk that other male lions grab their territories away from them. That is, male lions always have to protect female lions and their children in their own herd. Therefore, it is very dangerous if other animals accidentally trespass in their territories. If hyenas do so, they will be defeated by male lions at a single attack. 
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