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Zebras are herbivorous animals which belong to equidae. However, zebras are more like donkeys than horses. Zebras weigh approximately 200 to 450 kg. If zebras are not eaten by lions, they live approximately 25 years. It is said that their stripes can blind their natural predators such as lions and hyenas. If many zebras come together, the blinding effect of such stripes must be outstanding. Their stripes are unique to each individual. If any one of their family is attacked by a predator, all of their family try together to protect it.

Life of zebras

Life of zebras is not easy. Although generally, zebras have not so much trouble to eat grasses and drink water, there is no guarantee at all that they are not eaten by predators such as lions and hyenas. Therefore, zebras always live together in large groups. Every day is the life for them to be always on the alert for the predators. Zebras are afraid of hyenas very much. Thus, zebras never get close to hyena(?)'s family. 
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